Dr Andrew Kwok

DPhil student

Functional genomics in sepsis

 Sepsis is a life threatening condition with high morbidity and mortality and few therapeutic options. Understanding the biological basis of this deleterious host response to infection is the main aim of my research. I am looking to further our understanding of the cell type specificity underlying disease endotypes that the group has previously established through transcriptomic analyses of peripheral blood in septic patients. Methods involved will include immunophenotyping as well as transcriptomic and epigenetic analyses, in particular at the resolution of single cells. 

I completed my pre-clinical medical training at the University of Cambridge before moving to clinical school in Hong Kong at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. After practising as a junior doctor, I was awarded the Nuffield Department of Medicine Prize Studentship and the Croucher Foundation Scholarship to join the Knight group and study for a DPhil in Clinical Medicine.